
Poeme : Under My Memorie$

Under My Memorie$

I’m walking night and wiping the insecurities,
Sacred voices flying under my mémories. ♥

Some hazy words are crashing my dreams,
Undreath the fears, I heard your screams,
Like a weird sound ringging in my ear,
All my mémories are hiding my tear.

I’m in a dark illusion where I’m surrender,
Feeling the touch of my spirits on my shoulder,
I wanna reach the stars in that cloudly day ;
Waiting for a single sunshine for my dull way.

Tonight I’m holding my hands, I still swore,
Seeing my dark wings in a broken mirror,
I can’t read what is wrothing in my blood,
It’s something like my sad ending bihind that cloud.
Black $Hadow


Zut pardonnez mon anglais, chui un peu nulle ^^ !
Merci à ceux qui me liront.

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Poème en Phonétique

iεm walkiŋ niɡt ɑ̃d wipiŋ tə ɛ̃səkyʁiti,
sakʁεd vwasə fliiŋ œ̃de mi memɔʁi.

sɔmə-azi wɔʁdz- aʁə kʁaʃiŋ mi dʁəam,
œ̃dʁəat tə fəaʁ, i əaʁ iuʁ skʁəam,
likə a wεʁ sund ʁɛ̃ɡiŋ ɛ̃ mi əaʁ,
al mi memɔʁiz- aʁə idiŋ mi təaʁ.

iεm ɛ̃ a daʁk ilyzjɔ̃ wəʁə iεm syʁɑ̃de,
filiŋ tə tuk ɔf mi spiʁiz- ɔ̃ mi ʃulde,
i wana ʁəak tə staʁz- ɛ̃ ta kludli dε,
wεtiŋ fɔʁ a sɛ̃ɡlə sœ̃ʃinə fɔʁ mi dyl wε.

tɔniɡt iεm ɔldiŋ mi-ɑ̃, i stij swɔʁə,
siiŋ mi daʁk wiŋz- ɛ̃ a bʁɔkɛ̃ miʁɔʁ,
i kante ʁəad wa is wʁɔtiŋ ɛ̃ mi blud,
itεs sɔmεtiŋ likə mi sad ɑ̃diŋ biɛ̃d ta klud.