
Poeme : The Work

The Work

Against, across the pharisian words,
The way in wilderness of world,
My boss, your boss,
Two angels, grass and rose,
The fate in Egypt and Sodom of cause,
But destiny with God on the Cross,
Remember me my Lord close,
Your Arc for my sign S. O. S. not lost,
The Rainbow like the tent for vagabond’s ghost,
The Sail with Miriam, but not Kate Moss,
Even i’m nothing almost,
Worker in dove’s post.
Dimitri Et

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Poème en Phonétique

aɡɛ̃st, akʁɔs tə faʁizjɑ̃ wɔʁd,
tə wε ɛ̃ wildεʁnεsz- ɔf wɔʁld,
mi bɔs, iuʁ bɔs,
two ɑ̃ʒεl, ɡʁasz- ɑ̃d ʁozə,
tə fatə ɛ̃ əʒipt ɑ̃d sɔdɔm ɔf kozə,
byt dεstini wit ɡɔd ɔ̃ tə kʁɔs,
ʁəmɑ̃be mə mi lɔʁ klozə,
iuʁ aʁk fɔʁ mi siɲ εs. o. εs. no lɔst,
tə ʁɛ̃bɔw likə tə tɑ̃ fɔʁ vaɡabɔ̃dεs ɡɔst,
tə saj wit miʁjam, byt no katə mɔs,
əvɛ̃ iεm nɔtiŋ almɔst,
wɔʁke ɛ̃ dɔvəεs pɔst.