
Poeme : The Bells Had Tolled For Me

The Bells Had Tolled For Me

The bells are desesperatly tolling
It’s time to say a short goodbye
To all my beloved siblings
That will hold my hand until I die

Despite of all these good times
Something’s hiding inside
It’s destroying me in fast rhymes
On death’s back, I’m ready to ride

As I love to repeat
Living is such a bad pain
I can’t follow its hurting beat
Dying seems to be my only gain

I’m tired of the shit I may belive
It will never be true
So many times I’ve been deceived
Anxious to be in this world, to me new

It’s the dawn of sorrow
I’ve been the aimed target
Of prejudice’s arrow
A large hole in my heart I get

Before my last tragedic breath
I just want to thank everybody
For having tried to avoid this early death
But my days were counted, unfortunately…

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Poème en Phonétique

tə bεllz- aʁə dəzεspəʁatli tɔliŋ
itεs timə to sε a ʃɔʁ ɡudbi
to al mi bəlɔvεd sibliŋ
ta wij ɔld mi-ɑ̃t- œ̃til i di

dεspitə ɔf al təzə ɡud timə
sɔmεtɛ̃ʒεs idiŋ ɛ̃sidə
itεs dεstʁwajiŋ mə ɛ̃ fast ʁimə
ɔ̃ dəatεs bak, iεm ʁəadi to ʁidə

a i lɔvə to ʁəpəa
liviŋ is syk a bad pɛ̃
i kante fɔlɔw its yʁtiŋ bəa
diiŋ sim to bə mi ɔ̃li ɡɛ̃

iεm tiʁεd ɔf tə ʃi i mε bəlivə
it wij nəve bə tʁy
so mani timəz- ivə bin dəsεvεd
ɑ̃ksjus to bə ɛ̃ ti wɔʁld, to mə nεw

itεs tə dawn ɔf sɔʁɔw
ivə bin tə εmεd taʁʒε
ɔf pʁəʒydisəεs aʁɔw
a laʁʒə ɔlə ɛ̃ mi əaʁ i ʒεt

bəfɔʁə mi last tʁaʒədik bʁəat
i ʒyst wɑ̃ to tɑ̃k əvəʁibɔdi
fɔʁ-aviŋ tʁjε to avwa tiz- əaʁli dəat
byt mi dε wəʁə kuntεd, œ̃fɔʁtynatəli…