
Poeme : Just A Little Dance

Just A Little Dance

I use to think about you as a friend
But since yesterday, it change
Now I see you more than a friend
I just want to kiss you

But I don’t know what you gonna do
I don’t know if you gonna like it or not
I’m not sure if I have to tell you
That I love you

Cause maybe you will push me away
And I don’t want to be hurt by you
I just want to dance with you
Just a little dance
That’s allwhat I’m asking for

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Poème en Phonétique

i yzə to tɛ̃k abu iu a a fʁjɛ̃d
byt sɛ̃sə iεstεʁdε, it ʃɑ̃ʒə
nɔw i si iu mɔʁə tɑ̃ a fʁjɛ̃d
i ʒyst wɑ̃ to kisz- iu

byt i dɔnte knɔw wa iu ɡɔna do
i dɔnte knɔw if iu ɡɔna likə it ɔʁ no
iεm no syʁə if i-avə to tεll iu
ta i lɔvə iu

kozə mεbə iu wij pyʃ mə awε
ɑ̃d i dɔnte wɑ̃ to bə yʁ bi iu
i ʒyst wɑ̃ to dɑ̃sə wit iu
ʒyst a litlə dɑ̃sə
tatεs alwa iεm askiŋ fɔʁ