
Poeme : How I Can Forget You

How I Can Forget You

I tried so hard
And went so far
I want to hold your hand
But you don’t understand

I don’t know why I’m still waiting
When my life can be something
I put my trust in you
Seems the day I met you

I don’t wanna make you cry
Cause you are alright
I’ll run a thousand miles to forget you
But my heart is crying out for you

You’re always pushing me away
And saying that we should wait
I can’t forget what you said
But I want it and I need it

I will never be good enough for you
Cause you know what I wanna do
It doesn’t even matter
You’re not the last forever

The only thing that I see
It’s all days you could spend with me
In the end
I would like to tell you that I will never love someone else like that


il est ecrit en anglais car le garçon dont je parle est anglophone et c’est comme ça que j’ai été capable d’exprimer ce que je ressentais

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Poème en Phonétique

i tʁjε so-aʁ
ɑ̃d wɑ̃ so faʁ
i wɑ̃ to ɔld iuʁ-ɑ̃
byt iu dɔnte œ̃dεʁstɑ̃d

i dɔnte knɔw wi iεm stij wεtiŋ
wɛ̃ mi lifə kɑ̃ bə sɔmεtiŋ
i pyt mi tʁyst ɛ̃ iu
sim tə dε i mεt iu

i dɔnte wana makə iu kʁi
kozə iu aʁə alʁajt
iεl εl ʁœ̃ a tuzɑ̃ milə to fɔʁʒε iu
byt mi əaʁ is kʁiiŋ u fɔʁ iu

iuʁə alwε pyʃiŋ mə awε
ɑ̃d sεjiŋ ta wə ʃuld wε
i kante fɔʁʒε wa iu sε
byt i wɑ̃ it ɑ̃d i nid it

i wij nəve bə ɡud ɑ̃nuɡ fɔʁ iu
kozə iu knɔw wa i wana do
it doεsnte əvɛ̃ mate
iuʁə no tə last fɔʁəve

tə ɔ̃li tiŋ ta i si
itεs al dεz- iu kuld spɑ̃ wit mə
ɛ̃ tə εnd
i wuld likə to tεll iu ta i wij nəve lɔvə sɔməɔnə εlsə likə ta