
Poeme : Dreaming Of Magical Love

Dreaming Of Magical Love

Like a child I dream of Magical Love.
As a child I dreamt of Sleeping Beauty,
Cinderella and all the tales of Love
Wishing Prince Charming would come rescue me.

Today I still dream of Magical Love
Wishing that once again I shall know Love.
But mostly I cherish a memory
Hoping that one day you’ll come back to me.

I will not reject the magic of Love.
I might not find it due to destiny
Yet, I won’t deny the magic of Love
Praying that one day it will come to me.

I may not, once again, experience Love
But once, with all my soul I felt deep Love.
And for that short but priceless memory
I’ll accept death in all serenity

For I have loved life and I have lived Love.
May we remember our life and our Love.
Emma Lalonde


Comme un enfant je reve de l’amour magique. en tant qu’enfant je revais de la belle au bois dormant, cendrillon et tous les autres contes d’amour esperant que le prince charmant viendrait me sauver. Aujourd’hui je reve encore de l’amour magique esperant q

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Poème en Phonétique

likə a ʃild i dʁəam ɔf maʒikal lɔvə.
a a ʃild i dʁəamt ɔf slipiŋ boti,
sɛ̃dəʁεlla ɑ̃d al tə taləz- ɔf lɔvə
wiʃiŋ pʁɛ̃sə ʃaʁmiŋ wuld kɔmə ʁεskɥ mə.

tɔdε i stij dʁəam ɔf maʒikal lɔvə
wiʃiŋ ta ɔ̃sə aɡɛ̃ i ʃal knɔw lɔvə.
byt mɔstli i ʃəʁiʃ a məmɔʁi
ɔpiŋ ta ɔnə dε iuεl εl kɔmə bak to mə.

i wij no ʁəʒεkt tə maʒik ɔf lɔvə.
i miɡt no fɛ̃d it dɥ to dεstini
iε, i wɔnte dəni tə maʒik ɔf lɔvə
pʁεjiŋ ta ɔnə dε it wij kɔmə to mə.

i mε no, ɔ̃sə aɡɛ̃, εkspəʁjɑ̃sə lɔvə
byt ɔ̃sə, wit al mi sul i fεlt dip lɔvə.
ɑ̃d fɔʁ ta ʃɔʁ byt pʁisəlεs məmɔʁi
iεl εl aksεpt dəat ɛ̃ al səʁəniti

fɔʁ i-avə lɔvεd lifə ɑ̃d i-avə livεd lɔvə.
mε wə ʁəmɑ̃be uʁ lifə ɑ̃d uʁ lɔvə.
vɛ̃ tiʁε zeʁo sεt tiʁε zeʁo sɛ̃k