Poème:If I Had The Power…
Le Poème
I would relieve every Man from misery.
If I had the power to change our destiny,
I would tame and seduce the forces of nature.
If I had the power to predict the future,
I would save all Man from all eminent dangers.
If I had the power to reclaim all evil,
I would show every Man how to be kind and share.
If I had the power to make justices fair,
I would encourage each Man to follow the laws.
If I had the power to eliminate flaws,
I would help the world rise to a higher level.
We may not have the ultimate powers of God ;
But if we brought our strengths and knowledge together,
Every contribution would bring us closer
And our efforts would be combined with those of God.
dedication to Katrina’s victims.
Si j’avais le pouvoir de repondre a vos prieres, Je dechargerais chaque Homme de sa misere. Si j’avais le pouvir de changer notre destin, je dompterais et seduirais les forces de la nature. Si j’avais le pouvoir de predi
Poète Emma Lalonde
Emma Lalonde a publié sur le site 61 écrits. Emma Lalonde est membre du site depuis l'année 2002.Lire le profil du poète Emma LalondeSyllabation De L'Écrit
Syllabes Hyphénique: If I Had The Power…
if=i=had=the=po=wer=to=ans=wer=your=pray=ers 12i=would=re=lie=ve=e=ve=ry=man=from=mi=se=ry 13
if=i=had=the=po=wer=to=chan=ge=our=des=ti=ny 13
i=would=ta=me=and=se=du=ce=the=for=ces=of=na=ture 14
if=i=had=the=po=wer=to=pre=dict=the=fu=tu=re 13
i=would=sa=ve=all=man=from=all=e=mi=nent=dan=gers 13
if=i=had=the=po=wer=to=re=claim=all=e=vil 12
i=would=show=e=ve=ry=man=how=to=be=kind=and=sha=re 14
if=i=had=the=po=wer=to=ma=ke=jus=ti=ces=fair 13
i=would=en=cou=ra=ge=ea=ch=man=to=fol=low=the=laws 14
if=i=had=the=po=wer=to=e=li=mi=na=te=flaws 13
i=would=help=the=world=ri=se=to=a=hi=gher=le=vel 13
we=may=not=ha=ve=the=ul=ti=ma=te=po=wers=of=god 14
but=if=we=brought=our=strengths=and=k=now=led=ge=to=ge=ther 14
eve=ry=con=tri=bu=ti=on=would=bring=us=clo=ser 12
and=our=ef=forts=would=be=com=bi=ned=wi=th=those=of=god 14
zé=ro=trois=ti=ret=zé=ro=neuf=ti=ret=zé=ro=cin=q 14
Phonétique : If I Had The Power…
if i-ad tə pɔwœʁ to ɑ̃swœʁ iuʁ pʁεje,i wuld ʁəljəvə əvəʁi mɑ̃ fʁɔm mizəʁi.
if i-ad tə pɔwœʁ to ʃɑ̃ʒə uʁ dεstini,
i wuld tamə ɑ̃d sədysə tə fɔʁsəz- ɔf natyʁə.
if i-ad tə pɔwœʁ to pʁədikt tə fytyʁə,
i wuld savə al mɑ̃ fʁɔm al əmine dɑ̃ʒe.
if i-ad tə pɔwœʁ to ʁəklɛ̃ al əvil,
i wuld ʃɔw əvəʁi mɑ̃ ɔw to bə kɛ̃d ɑ̃d ʃaʁə.
if i-ad tə pɔwœʁ to makə ʒystisə fεʁ,
i wuld ɑ̃kuʁaʒə əak mɑ̃ to fɔlɔw tə law.
if i-ad tə pɔwœʁ to əliminatə flaw,
i wuld εlp tə wɔʁld ʁizə to a iɡe ləvεl.
wə mε no-avə tə yltimatə pɔwœʁz- ɔf ɡɔd,
byt if wə bʁuɡt uʁ stʁɑ̃tz- ɑ̃d knɔwlεdʒə tɔʒεtœʁ,
əvəʁi kɔ̃tʁibytjɔ̃ wuld bʁiŋ ys kloze
ɑ̃d uʁ efɔʁ wuld bə kɔ̃binεd wit tozə ɔf ɡɔd.
zeʁo tʁwa tiʁε zeʁo nəf tiʁε zeʁo sɛ̃k
Syllabes Phonétique : If I Had The Power…
if=i-ad=tə=pɔ=wœʁ=to=ɑ̃=swœʁ=i=uʁ=pʁε=j=e 14i=wuld=ʁə=lj=ə=və=ə=və=ʁi=mɑ̃=fʁɔm=mi=zə=ʁi 14
if=i-ad=tə=pɔ=wœ=ʁə=to=ʃɑ̃=ʒə=uʁ=dεs=ti=ni 14
i=wuld=ta=mə=ɑ̃d=sə=dy=sə=tə=fɔʁ=sə=zɔf=na=tyʁə 14
if=i-ad=tə=pɔ=wœ=ʁə=to=pʁə=dikt=tə=fy=ty=ʁə 14
i=wuld=sa=və=al=mɑ̃=fʁɔm=al=ə=mi=ne=dɑ̃=ʒe 13
if=i-ad=tə=pɔ=wœ=ʁə=to=ʁə=klɛ̃=al=ə=vil 13
i=wuld=ʃɔw=ə=və=ʁi=mɑ̃=ɔw=to=bə=kɛ̃d=ɑ̃d=ʃa=ʁə 14
if=i-ad=tə=pɔ=wœ=ʁə=to=ma=kə=ʒys=ti=sə=fεʁ 14
i=wuld=ɑ̃=ku=ʁa=ʒə=ə=ak=mɑ̃=to=fɔ=lɔw=tə=law 14
if=i-ad=tə=pɔ=wœ=ʁə=to=ə=li=mi=na=tə=flaw 14
i=wuld=εlp=tə=wɔʁld=ʁi=zə=to=a=i=ɡe=lə=vεl 13
wə=mε=no-a=və=tə=yl=ti=ma=tə=pɔ=wœʁ=zɔf=ɡɔd 14
byt=if=wə=bʁuɡt=uʁ=stʁɑ̃t=zɑ̃d=knɔw=lεd=ʒə=tɔ=ʒε=tœ=ʁə 14
ə=və=ʁi=kɔ̃=tʁi=by=tj=ɔ̃=wuld=bʁiŋ=ys=klo=ze 13
ɑ̃d=uʁ=e=fɔʁ=wuld=bə=kɔ̃=bi=nεd=wit=to=zə=ɔf=ɡɔd 14
ze=ʁo=tʁwa=ti=ʁε=ze=ʁo=nəf=ti=ʁε=ze=ʁo=sɛ̃k 13
Commentaires Sur La Poesie
The lack of words harms my reason. My heart shakes when i read each words you wrote down. You keep on proving us that your skills keep on growing as your heart is glowing for others... May your words reach the heart of the victims of that disaster... as they lead mine... The four final verses are the ultimate ones. Congratulations is not the word, but thank you, yes thank you for having wrote down such a sympathetic poem.
I I had the power to create millions smiles
I would give them to Man to replace his fakes.
If I had the power to turn back time
I would tell Man his very mistakes.
If I had the power to rebuild the cities
I would make Man respect Nature’s fury
If I had the power to bring everyone sympathethy
I would show Man his true beauty.
In our hearts lies such a power, the power of love
we can make Man better with this gift of God.
May we love and respect Nature,
May we love and respect each other
For the sake of all creatures
For the sake of our future.