
Poeme : Because You Are Gone Forever

Because You Are Gone Forever

Becaue you have now left for real
My heart is languishing
In dark corners
Reaching for the light of your caring self.

Days away and then weeks away and years away
Without the sound of your voice
Will be an infernal eternity
That holds me inconsolate and desperate.

I cannot long for the quick passage of time
That cannot bring you back
Next to my side to love me
The way I wanted to be loved.

Unfulfilled wishes
Lost without a last adieu.
Jean Cadet

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Poème en Phonétique

bəko iu-avə nɔw lεft fɔʁ ʁəal
mi əaʁ is lɑ̃ɡiʃiŋ
ɛ̃ daʁk kɔʁne
ʁəaʃiŋ fɔʁ tə liɡt ɔf iuʁ kaʁiŋ sεlf.

dεz- awε ɑ̃d tɛ̃ wikz- awε ɑ̃d iəaʁz- awε
witu tə sund ɔf iuʁ vwasə
wij bə ɑ̃ ɛ̃fεʁnal ətεʁniti
ta ɔld mə ɛ̃kɔ̃sɔlatə ɑ̃d dεspəʁatə.

i kano lɔ̃ fɔʁ tə kik pasaʒə ɔf timə
ta kano bʁiŋ iu bak
nεkst to mi sidə to lɔvə mə
tə wε i wɑ̃tεd to bə lɔvεd.

œ̃fylfijεd wiʃə
lɔst witu a last adjø.