
Poeme : « Everytime I See Your Pretty Face »

« Everytime I See Your Pretty Face »

I was looking everywhere to find you always on time just like an obsesions By and by, but don’t care my intentions were good But I know I don’t watch where I’m walking cause your Somewhere out there and I’m so blind always on time when you’re to far gone When I know I should If the nighttime turns into day before I say what I mean God damn all these obstacles before me, and Every time I see your pretty face, it’s like Heaven opens up her gates And I fall behind, I just close my eyes, I just close my eyes to listen the beauty of your voice and I would Finds a way to close the distance between you and me cause I wanna be united like the paradise on earth and now I’m here waiting for you cause I think I need you… and now I just have only one wish it is about you’re gonna love me but I know by experience about if your answer was negative about I’m could deep in dispair but don’t care cause I know its the life… so I waiting for your answer

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Poème en Phonétique

i was lukiŋ əvəʁiwəʁə to fɛ̃d iu alwεz- ɔ̃ timə ʒyst likə ɑ̃ ɔpsəzjɔ̃ bi ɑ̃d bi, byt dɔnte kaʁə mi ɛ̃tɑ̃sjɔ̃ wəʁə ɡud byt i knɔw i dɔnte watʃ wəʁə iεm walkiŋ kozə iuʁ sɔmεwəʁə u təʁə ɑ̃d iεm so blɛ̃d alwεz- ɔ̃ timə wɛ̃ iuʁə to faʁ ɡɔnə wɛ̃ i knɔw i ʃuld if tə niɡtimə tyʁnz- ɛ̃to dε bəfɔʁə i sε wa i məɑ̃ ɡɔd damn al təzə ɔpstaklə bəfɔʁə mə, ɑ̃d əvəʁi timə i si iuʁ pʁεti fasə, itεs likə əavɛ̃ ɔpɛ̃z- yp εʁ ɡatəz- ɑ̃d i fal bəɛ̃d, i ʒyst klozə mi εj, i ʒyst klozə mi εj to listɛ̃ tə boti ɔf iuʁ vwasə ɑ̃d i wuld fɛ̃dz- a wε to klozə tə distɑ̃sə bεtwin iu ɑ̃d mə kozə i wana bə ynitεd likə tə paʁadizə ɔ̃n- əaʁt ɑ̃d nɔw iεm əʁə wεtiŋ fɔʁ iu kozə i tɛ̃k i nid iu… ɑ̃d nɔw i ʒyst-avə ɔ̃li ɔnə wiʃ it is abu iuʁə ɡɔna lɔvə mə byt i knɔw bi εkspəʁjɑ̃sə abu if iuʁ ɑ̃swœʁ was nəɡativə abu iεm kuld dip ɛ̃ dispεʁ byt dɔnte kaʁə kozə i knɔw its tə lifə… so i wεtiŋ fɔʁ iuʁ ɑ̃swœʁ