
Poeme : The Men I Knew

The Men I Knew

As I ride along the waves
I try to avoid the caves
Men have set to catch their bait

As I explore the new day
I attempt to stay away
From the men that watch and wait

As I slowly patch my quilt
I do not suffer from guilt
As I strap you to the tree

As I expose you to all
Showing them your open flaws
I am setting women free

As I push you to the wall
Exposing you to their claws
I am saving you from hell

As I wake and realize
No reason to penalize
Who am I to make you dwell

As you decide how to act
You’re free to choose, it’s a fact
Whether you will hurt or heal

As I slowly come to you
You’ll be like the men I knew
Or you’ll show me how to feel.

Emma Lalonde


alors que je monte les vagues/j’essaye d’eviter les caves/mise en place par les hommes qui veulent attraper leur ver/alors que je decouvre le nouveau jour/je tache de rester loin/des hommes qui regardent et attendent/alors que je couds ma couverture

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Poème en Phonétique

a i ʁidə alɔ̃ɡ tə wavə
i tʁi to avwa tə kavə
mεn-avə sεt to katʃ tεʁ bε

a i εksplɔʁə tə nεw dε
i atɑ̃ to stε awε
fʁɔm tə mεn ta watʃ ɑ̃d wε

a i slɔwli patʃ mi kilt
i do no syfe fʁɔm ɡilt
a i stʁap iu to tə tʁi

a i εkspozə iu to al
ʃɔwiŋ tεm iuʁ ɔpɛ̃ flaw
i am sεtiŋ wɔmɛ̃ fʁi

a i pyʃ iu to tə wal
εkspoziŋ iu to tεʁ klaw
i am saviŋ iu fʁɔm εll

a i wakə ɑ̃d ʁəalizə
no ʁəazɔ̃ to pənalizə
wo am i to makə iu dwεll

a iu dəsidə ɔw to akt
iuʁə fʁi to ʃuzə, itεs a fakt
wεtœʁ iu wij yʁ ɔʁ əal

a i slɔwli kɔmə to iu
iuεl εl bə likə tə mεn i knεw
ɔʁ iuεl εl ʃɔw mə ɔw to fil.

zeʁo œ̃ tiʁε tʁɑ̃tə e œ̃ tiʁε dø milə sɛ̃k