Univers de poésie d'un auteur

Poème:Modern Tale

Le Poème

A girl who’s lost in the street
Misleaded in this strange city
Alone and abandoned in the night
Scared and fearing for her life
Called for help
Hoping for a surge of love.
When without his white horse
Arises her Prince Charming
Which by modern means
Dig up for her a tavern
Assuring her security
And something to eat.
For his bravoury he shomed us
Remain that part of humanity !
Congratulations to this noble pure heart,
Hero of this strange adventure.
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Poeme de Yayamickaela

Poète Yayamickaela

Yayamickaela a publié sur le site 68 écrits. Yayamickaela est membre du site depuis l'année 2011.

Syllabation De L'Écrit

Syllabes Hyphénique: Modern Talea=girl=w=hos=lost=in=the=street 8
mis=lea=ded=in=this=strange=ci=ty 8
aloneand=a=ban=do=ned=in=the=night 8
sca=red=and=fea=ring=for=her=life 8
cal=led=for=help 4
ho=ping=for=a=sur=ge=of=love 8
when=wi=thout=his=w=hi=te=horse 8
ari=ses=her=prin=ce=char=ming 7
whi=ch=by=mo=dern=means 6
dig=up=for=her=a=ta=vern 7
as=su=ring=her=se=cu=ri=ty 8
and=so=me=thing=to=eat 6
for=his=bra=vou=ry=he=s=ho=med=us 10
re=main=that=part=of=hu=ma=ni=ty 9
congra=tu=la=tions=to=this=noble=pure=heart 9
he=ro=of=this=strange=ad=ven=ture 8
Phonétique : Modern Talea ʒiʁl wɔεs lɔst ɛ̃ tə stʁi
misləadεd ɛ̃ ti stʁɑ̃ʒə siti
alɔnə ɑ̃d abɑ̃dɔnεd ɛ̃ tə niɡt
skaʁεd ɑ̃d fəaʁiŋ fɔʁ εʁ lifə
kalεd fɔʁ εlp
ɔpiŋ fɔʁ a syʁʒə ɔf lɔvə.
wɛ̃ witu is witə ɔʁsə
aʁizəz- εʁ pʁɛ̃sə ʃaʁmiŋ
wik bi mɔdεʁn məɑ̃
diɡ yp fɔʁ εʁ a tavεʁn
asyʁiŋ εʁ səkyʁiti
ɑ̃d sɔmεtiŋ to əa.
fɔʁ is bʁavuʁi ə ʃɔmεd ys
ʁəmɛ̃ ta paʁ ɔf ymaniti !
kɔ̃ɡʁatylasjɔ̃ to ti nɔblə pyʁə əaʁ,
əʁo ɔf ti stʁɑ̃ʒə advɑ̃tyʁə.
Syllabes Phonétique : Modern Talea=ʒiʁl=wɔ=εsə=lɔst=ɛ̃=tə=stʁi 8
misləa=dεd=ɛ̃=ti=stʁɑ̃=ʒə=si=ti 8
a=lɔnəɑ̃d=a=bɑ̃=dɔ=nεd=ɛ̃=tə=niɡt 9
ska=ʁεd=ɑ̃d=fəa=ʁiŋ=fɔʁ=εʁ=lifə 8
ka=lεd=fɔʁ=εlp 4
ɔ=piŋ=fɔʁ=a=syʁ=ʒə=ɔf=lɔvə 8
wɛ̃=wi=tu=is=wi=tə=ɔʁ=sə 8
a=ʁi=zə=zεʁ=pʁɛ̃=sə=ʃaʁ=miŋ 8
wik=bi=mɔ=dεʁn=mə=ɑ̃ 6
diɡ=yp=fɔʁ=εʁ=a=ta=vεʁn 7
a=sy=ʁiŋ=εʁ=sə=ky=ʁi=ti 8
ɑ̃d=sɔ=mε=tiŋ=to=ə=a 7
fɔʁ=is=bʁa=vu=ʁiə=ʃɔ=mεd=ys 8
ʁə=mɛ̃=ta=paʁ=ɔf=y=ma=ni=ti 9
kɔ̃=ɡʁa=ty=la=sjɔ̃=to=ti=nɔblə=py=ʁə=əaʁ 11
ə=ʁo=ɔf=ti=stʁɑ̃ʒə=ad=vɑ̃=tyʁə 8


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Poème - Sans Thème -
Du 01/04/2012 12:30

L'écrit contient 82 mots qui sont répartis dans 1 strophes.