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Poème:"Love And Stoplights Can Be Cruel.

Le Poème

I’m afraid to give my heart again afraid to lose to love again to kiss your lips and to look into those eyes again I can’t help but worry that I’ll get hurt again
I can only notice your presence again feel your touch your tenderness again the glare of your eyes and the strength of your arms again I can’t help but think I’ll fall hard for you again
I can only notice your presence again feel your touch your tenderness again the glare of your eyes and the strength of your arms again I can’t help but think I’ll fall hard for you again

"Should I cry because it’s over or should I smile because it happened ?
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Poeme de Fan

Poète Fan

Fan a publié sur le site 16 écrits. Fan est membre du site depuis l'année 2004.

Syllabation De L'Écrit

Syllabes Hyphénique: "Love And Stoplights Can Be Cruel.im=a=fraid=to=give=my=heart=a=gain=a=fraid=to=lo=se=to=lo=ve=a=gain=to=kiss=your=lips=and=to=look=in=to=tho=se=eyes=a=gain=i=cant=help=but=wor=ry=that=il=l=get=hurt=a=gain 46
i=can=on=ly=no=tice=your=pre=sen=cea=gain=feel=your=tou=ch=your=ten=der=ness=a=gain=the=gla=re=of=your=eyes=and=the=streng=th=of=your=arms=a=gain=i=cant=help=but=think=il=l=fall=hard=for=you=a=gain 49
i=can=on=ly=no=tice=your=pre=sen=cea=gain=feel=your=tou=ch=your=ten=der=ness=a=gain=the=gla=re=of=your=eyes=and=the=streng=th=of=your=arms=a=gain=i=cant=help=but=think=il=l=fall=hard=for=you=a=gain 49

gui=lle=met=should=i=cry=be=cau=se=its=o=ver=or=should=i=s=mi=le=be=cau=se=it=hap=pe=ned 25
Phonétique : "Love And Stoplights Can Be Cruel.iεm afʁε to ʒivə mi əaʁ aɡɛ̃ afʁε to lozə to lɔvə aɡɛ̃ to kisz- iuʁ lipz- ɑ̃d to luk ɛ̃to tozə εjz- aɡɛ̃ i kante εlp byt wɔʁi ta iεl εl ʒεt yʁ aɡɛ̃
i kɑ̃ ɔ̃li nɔtisə iuʁ pʁəzɑ̃sə aɡɛ̃ fil iuʁ tuk iuʁ tɑ̃dεʁnεsz- aɡɛ̃ tə ɡlaʁə ɔf iuʁ εjz- ɑ̃d tə stʁɑ̃t ɔf iuʁ aʁmz- aɡɛ̃ i kante εlp byt tɛ̃k iεl εl fal-aʁ fɔʁ iu aɡɛ̃
i kɑ̃ ɔ̃li nɔtisə iuʁ pʁəzɑ̃sə aɡɛ̃ fil iuʁ tuk iuʁ tɑ̃dεʁnεsz- aɡɛ̃ tə ɡlaʁə ɔf iuʁ εjz- ɑ̃d tə stʁɑ̃t ɔf iuʁ aʁmz- aɡɛ̃ i kante εlp byt tɛ̃k iεl εl fal-aʁ fɔʁ iu aɡɛ̃

ɡjmε ʃuld i kʁi bəkozə itεs ɔve ɔʁ ʃuld i smilə bəkozə it-apənεd ?
Syllabes Phonétique : "Love And Stoplights Can Be Cruel.i=εm=a=fʁε=to=ʒi=və=mi=ə=aʁ=a=ɡɛ̃=a=fʁε=to=lo=zə=to=lɔ=və=a=ɡɛ̃=to=kis=zi=uʁ=lip=zɑ̃d=to=luk=ɛ̃=to=to=zə=εj=za=ɡɛ̃=i=kan=te=εlp=byt=wɔ=ʁi=ta=i=εl=εl=ʒεt=yʁ=a=ɡɛ̃ 52
i=kɑ̃=ɔ̃=li=nɔ=tisə=i=uʁ=pʁə=zɑ̃=səa=ɡɛ̃=fil=i=uʁ=tuk=i=uʁ=tɑ̃=dεʁ=nεs=za=ɡɛ̃=tə=ɡla=ʁə=ɔf=i=uʁ=εj=zɑ̃d=tə=stʁɑ̃t=ɔf=i=uʁ=aʁ=mza=ɡɛ̃=i=kan=te=εlp=byt=tɛ̃k=i=εl=εl=fal-aʁ=fɔʁ=i=u=a=ɡɛ̃ 55
i=kɑ̃=ɔ̃=li=nɔ=tisə=i=uʁ=pʁə=zɑ̃=səa=ɡɛ̃=fil=i=uʁ=tuk=i=uʁ=tɑ̃=dεʁ=nεs=za=ɡɛ̃=tə=ɡla=ʁə=ɔf=i=uʁ=εj=zɑ̃d=tə=stʁɑ̃t=ɔf=i=uʁ=aʁ=mza=ɡɛ̃=i=kan=te=εlp=byt=tɛ̃k=i=εl=εl=fal-aʁ=fɔʁ=i=u=a=ɡɛ̃ 55

ɡjmε=ʃuld=i=kʁi=bə=ko=zə=i=tε=sə=ɔ=ve=ɔʁ=ʃuld=i=smi=lə=bə=ko=zə=it-a=pə=nεd 24


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Poème Amour
Du 09/11/2004 02:03

L'écrit contient 127 mots qui sont répartis dans 2 strophes.