Univers de poésie d'un auteur

Poème:Forbidden City Of Love

Le Poème

How many times, how many lives, how many people
Are still trapped by love ?
At first I had not any doubts
My unchanging soul
At first, my falling in love with you was unintentional
Unintentional yet with earnestness

It’s been a long time since my heart has been tempted
My heart was tempted because of you
I fear that coming and going will leave me by myself
But how can I refuse your crazed love and my true desire ?

Tell me, whether I should wait
Tell me, whether I would hate
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Poeme de Philia Thalès

Poète Philia Thalès

Philia Thalès a publié sur le site 14 écrits. Philia Thalès est membre du site depuis l'année 2002.

Syllabation De L'Écrit

Syllabes Hyphénique: Forbidden City Of Lovehow=ma=ny=ti=mes=how=ma=ny=li=ves=how=ma=ny=people 14
a=re=still=trap=ped=by=lo=ve 8
at=first=i=had=not=a=ny=doubts 8
my=un=chan=ging=soul 5
at=first=my=fal=ling=in=love=wi=th=you=was=u=nin=ten=tio=nal 16
uninten=tio=nal=yet=wi=th=ear=nest=ness 9

its=been=a=long=time=sin=ce=my=heart=has=been=temp=ted 13
my=heart=was=temp=ted=be=causeof=you 8
i=fear=that=co=ming=and=going=will=leave=me=by=my=self 13
but=how=can=i=re=fuse=your=cra=zed=lo=veand=my=true=de=sire 15

tell=me=w=he=ther=i=should=wait 8
tell=me=w=he=ther=i=would=hate 8
Phonétique : Forbidden City Of Loveɔw mani timə, ɔw mani livə, ɔw mani pəɔplə
aʁə stij tʁapεd bi lɔvə ?
a fiʁst i-ad no ani dubt
mi œ̃ʃɑ̃ʒiŋ sul
a fiʁst, mi faliŋ ɛ̃ lɔvə wit iu was ynɛ̃tɑ̃sjɔnal
ynɛ̃tɑ̃sjɔnal iε wit əaʁnεstnεs

itεs bin a lɔ̃ timə sɛ̃sə mi əaʁ-as bin tɑ̃ptεd
mi əaʁ was tɑ̃ptεd bəkozə ɔf iu
i fəaʁ ta kɔmiŋ ɑ̃d ɡuiŋ wij ləavə mə bi mizεlf
byt ɔw kɑ̃ i ʁəfyzə iuʁ kʁazεd lɔvə ɑ̃d mi tʁy dəziʁə ?

tεll mə, wεtœʁ i ʃuld wε
tεll mə, wεtœʁ i wuld-atə
Syllabes Phonétique : Forbidden City Of Loveɔw=ma=ni=timə=ɔw=ma=ni=li=və=ɔw=ma=ni=pəɔplə 13
a=ʁə=stij=tʁa=pεd=bi=lɔ=və 8
a=fiʁst=i-ad=no=a=ni=dubt 8
mi=œ̃=ʃɑ̃=ʒiŋ=sul 5
a=fiʁst=mi=fa=liŋ=ɛ̃=lɔvə=wit=i=u=was=y=nɛ̃=tɑ̃=sjɔ=nal 16
y=nɛ̃=tɑ̃=sjɔ=nal=i=ε=wit=əaʁ=nεstnεsə 10

i=tεsə=bin=a=lɔ̃=ti=mə=sɛ̃=sə=mi=əaʁ-as=bin=tɑ̃p=tεd 15
miəaʁ=was=tɑ̃p=tεd=bə=ko=zə=ɔf=i=u 10
ifəaʁ=ta=kɔ=miŋ=ɑ̃d=ɡu=iŋ=wij=lə=a=və=mə=bi=mi=zεlf 15
byt=ɔw=kɑ̃=iʁə=fy=zə=i=uʁ=kʁa=zεd=lɔ=vəɑ̃d=mi=tʁy=də=ziʁə 16

tεll=mə=wε=tœ=ʁə=i=ʃuld=wε 8
tεll=mə=wε=tœʁ=i=wuld-a=tə 8


Coup de coeur: 0
J’aime: 0
J’aime pas: 0

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Poème Amour
Du 03/10/2002 00:00

L'écrit contient 92 mots qui sont répartis dans 3 strophes.