
Poeme : Even Tango

Even Tango

Hi, my little rainbow, butterfly in sky,
But why i hear a phosphoric dog’s cry beside,
And your powder in the air fly,
Strange lights in the night,
The moon in shine,
Metabolism of flowers inspirited by vampire’s smile,
The blood like water, the egyptian style,
And now you say « i am not i »
In square for dancing you and me as rings in chain in fight,
Twain stones, quartz and sapphire combat face to face inside
For choice a veil in the temple of our common mind,
Your sails between artificial lilac and warm black again,
This ruby’s captain as heart behind your breast with so red lips of lie,
You are not Judith at my right,
Intelligence of Miriam’s dance against betrayal Salome’s fist and taste of french blue cheese in our goodbye.
Dimitri Et

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Poème en Phonétique

i, mi litlə ʁɛ̃bɔw, bytεʁfli ɛ̃ ski,
byt wi i əaʁ a fɔsfɔʁik dɔʒεs kʁi bəzidə,
ɑ̃d iuʁ pɔwde ɛ̃ tə εʁ fli,
stʁɑ̃ʒə liɡtz- ɛ̃ tə niɡt,
tə mun ɛ̃ ʃinə,
mətabɔlism ɔf flɔwœʁz- ɛ̃spiʁitεd bi vɑ̃piʁəεs smilə,
tə blud likə wate, tə əʒipsjɑ̃ stilə,
ɑ̃d nɔw iu sεj « i am no i »
ɛ̃ skaʁə fɔʁ dɑ̃siŋ iu ɑ̃d mə a ʁiŋz- ɛ̃ ʃɛ̃ ɛ̃ fiɡt,
twɛ̃ stɔnə, kaʁts ɑ̃d sapiʁə kɔ̃ba fasə to fasə ɛ̃sidə
fɔʁ ʃwasə a vεj ɛ̃ tə tɑ̃plə ɔf uʁ kɔmɔ̃ mɛ̃d,
iuʁ saj bεtwin aʁtifisjal lilak ɑ̃d waʁm blak aɡɛ̃,
ti ʁybiεs kaptɛ̃ a əaʁ bəɛ̃d iuʁ bʁəast wit so ʁεd lipz- ɔf li,
iu aʁə no ʒydit a mi ʁajt,
ɛ̃tεlliʒɑ̃sə ɔf miʁjamεs dɑ̃sə aɡɛ̃st bεtʁεjal salɔməεs fist ɑ̃d tastə ɔf fʁɑ̃ʃ blɥ ʃizə ɛ̃ uʁ ɡudbi.