Univers de poésie d'un auteur

Prose:The Dream Of Man

La Prose

Chapter 1
this is a real story of a man who was like a prince in a palace, which is full of bright and beautiful, frankly this little boy does not like this life of nobility, perhaps he likes to live the adventure and action !
one day as was always gone réspirer a little wind it was 5. 00h evening, he found a large clock in the tea leaves or tree shore in the vast forest which is basically the garden grand palaces…
Then on this clock that is rebuilding as a tomb, it was necessary to open a large key
what is his uncle may be the bad guy has to kill his father to be the biggest famous fueneste and nobility and silver and gold !
adventure begins when it was a little girl is called « Rosa » with him « out » well agree to go to the forest looking for a lost key cygone black detraque the wicked witch « lora »
the job of « out » is détraquer all the ghosts that are the drill perdutes, Rosa was the most jealous woman who has to be with a prince, but it depends if he has shared him and itself, small bérgère had a substance against her and the witch… and finally went to the place where it lies the key and where it is the witch !
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Poeme de Imad-Rasikshoupa

Poète Imad-Rasikshoupa

Imad-Rasikshoupa a publié sur le site 32 écrits. Imad-Rasikshoupa est membre du site depuis l'année 2008.

Syllabation De L'Écrit

Phonétique : The Dream Of Manʃapte œ̃
tiz- is a ʁəal stɔʁi ɔf a mɑ̃ wo was likə a pʁɛ̃sə ɛ̃ a palasə, wik is fyl ɔf bʁajt ɑ̃d botifyl, fʁɑ̃kli ti litlə bwa do no likə ti lifə ɔf nɔbiliti, pεʁapz- ə likə to livə tə advɑ̃tyʁə ɑ̃d aksjɔ̃ !
ɔnə dε a was alwε ɡɔnə ʁespiʁe a litlə wɛ̃d it was sɛ̃k pwɛ̃ zeʁo zeʁo aʃ əvəniŋ, ə fund a laʁʒə klɔk ɛ̃ tə təa ləavəz- ɔʁ tʁi ʃɔʁə ɛ̃ tə vast fɔʁεst wik is bazikali tə ɡaʁdɛ̃ ɡʁɑ̃ palasə…
tɛ̃ ɔ̃ ti klɔk ta is ʁəbɥildiŋ a a tɔ̃, it was nəsesaʁi to ɔpɛ̃ a laʁʒə ke
wa is is œ̃klə mε bə tə bad ɡi-as to kij is fatœʁ to bə tə biɡεst famus fɥənεstə ɑ̃d nɔbiliti ɑ̃d silve ɑ̃d ɡɔld !
advɑ̃tyʁə bəʒɛ̃ wɛ̃ it was a litlə ʒiʁl is kald « ʁoza » wit im « ut » wεll aɡʁi to ɡo to tə fɔʁεst lukiŋ fɔʁ a lɔst ke siɡɔnə blak dətʁakə tə wikεd witʃ « lɔʁa »
tə ʒɔb ɔf « ut » is detʁake al tə ɡɔst ta aʁə tə dʁij pεʁdytə, ʁoza was tə mɔst ʒalus wɔmɑ̃ wo-as to bə wit a pʁɛ̃sə, byt it dəpɑ̃z- if ə-as ʃaʁεd im ɑ̃d itsεlf, smal beʁʒεʁə-ad a sybstɑ̃sə aɡɛ̃st εʁ ɑ̃d tə witʃ… ɑ̃d finali wɑ̃ to tə plasə wəʁə it li tə ke ɑ̃d wəʁə it is tə witʃ !


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Prose Âge
Du 17/10/2008 00:00

L'écrit contient 224 mots qui sont répartis dans 1 strophes.