Poème:In The Turns And Twist Of My Dreams
Le Poème
Yesterday, sat down on this cliff, I thought at her,
So deep that, at twilight, lands were impregnated.
Some crickets and cicadas, with romance, started
To sing what I could not say ; I’m mad about her.
There, reality was decorating my dreams,
Shall you see a sketch of her personality ?
In the heaven, a quarrel with titanic means,
Between the deep dark blue of her serenity,
And the flaming red dressing her burning passion.
Perhaps a divine game between Shou and Hâpy :
A tender breeze undulating with attention,
The river of her temper, adding sensuality.
Sometimes as regular and deep as the
Posseidon’s flapping tempo between reefs.
Often as spontaneous and light as the
Djinn’s whistling melody coming out cliffs.
Her soul is similar to this moon shining :
Lighting a world, a muse making people dreaming,
Just the sensation of a look brushing against me.
So far away, sometimes she must feel lonely
Sometimes, feeling insecure, lacking confidence
Feeding her thirst of mathematical evidence.
Quiet, and mysterious, those are her defence,
Some people dislike it but she’s my preference.
Like an oneiric world of magic and beauty
Falling into my head like a new emotion,
She is for me what the others call great passion.
I call her mon Amour.
So deep that, at twilight, lands were impregnated.
Some crickets and cicadas, with romance, started
To sing what I could not say ; I’m mad about her.
There, reality was decorating my dreams,
Shall you see a sketch of her personality ?
In the heaven, a quarrel with titanic means,
Between the deep dark blue of her serenity,
And the flaming red dressing her burning passion.
Perhaps a divine game between Shou and Hâpy :
A tender breeze undulating with attention,
The river of her temper, adding sensuality.
Sometimes as regular and deep as the
Posseidon’s flapping tempo between reefs.
Often as spontaneous and light as the
Djinn’s whistling melody coming out cliffs.
Her soul is similar to this moon shining :
Lighting a world, a muse making people dreaming,
Just the sensation of a look brushing against me.
So far away, sometimes she must feel lonely
Sometimes, feeling insecure, lacking confidence
Feeding her thirst of mathematical evidence.
Quiet, and mysterious, those are her defence,
Some people dislike it but she’s my preference.
Like an oneiric world of magic and beauty
Falling into my head like a new emotion,
She is for me what the others call great passion.
I call her mon Amour.
Mon premier poeme. J’ai eu beaucoup de mal avec les pieds. Pouvez-vous me dire où sont les fautes ? Qu’est-ce que vous en pensez ?
Hier, assis sur cette falaise, j’ai pensé à elle,
Si fort, qu’au crépuscule, la terre en était imprégnée.
Quelques cric
Poète Arth
Arth a publié sur le site 5 écrits. Arth est membre du site depuis l'année 2005.Lire le profil du poète ArthSyllabation De L'Écrit
Syllabes Hyphénique: In The Turns And Twist Of My Dreams
yes=ter=day=sat=down=on=this=cliff=i=thought=at=her 12so=deep=that=at=t=wi=light=lands=we=re=im=pre=gna=ted 14
some=cri=ckets=and=ci=ca=das=wi=th=ro=man=ce=s=tar=ted 15
to=sing=w=hat=i=could=not=say=im=mad=a=bout=her 13
the=re=rea=li=ty=was=de=co=ra=ting=my=dream=s 13
shall=you=see=a=s=ket=ch=of=her=per=so=na=li=ty 14
in=the=hea=ven=a=quar=rel=wi=th=ti=ta=nic=means 13
bet=we=en=the=deep=dark=blue=of=her=se=re=ni=ty 13
and=the=fla=ming=red=dres=sing=her=bur=ning=pas=si=on 13
per=haps=a=di=vi=ne=ga=me=bet=ween=shou=and=hâ=py 14
a=ten=der=bree=ze=un=du=la=ting=wi=th=at=ten=tion 14
the=ri=ver=of=her=tem=per=ad=ding=sen=sua=li=ty 13
so=me=ti=mes=as=re=gu=lar=and=de=ep=as=the 13
pos=sei=dons=flap=ping=tem=po=bet=we=en=reef=s 12
of=ten=as=s=pon=ta=neous=and=light=as=the 11
djinns=w=hist=ling=me=lo=dy=co=ming=out=cliff=s 12
her=soul=is=si=mi=lar=to=this=mo=on=shi=ning 12
ligh=ting=a=world=a=mu=se=ma=king=peo=ple=drea=ming 13
just=the=sen=sa=ti=on=of=a=look=bru=shing=a=gainst=me 14
so=far=a=way=so=me=ti=mes=she=must=feel=lo=ne=ly 14
some=ti=mes=fee=ling=in=se=cu=re=la=cking=con=fi=dence 14
fee=ding=her=thirst=of=ma=the=ma=ti=cal=e=vi=den=ce 14
quiet=and=mys=te=rious=tho=se=a=re=her=de=fen=ce 13
so=me=peo=ple=dis=li=ke=it=but=shes=my=pre=fe=rence 14
li=ke=an=o=nei=ric=world=of=ma=gic=and=beau=ty 13
fal=ling=in=to=my=head=li=ke=a=new=e=mo=ti=on 14
she=is=for=me=w=hat=the=o=thers=call=great=pas=si=on 14
i=call=her=mon=a=mour 6
Phonétique : In The Turns And Twist Of My Dreams
iεstεʁdε, sa dɔwn ɔ̃ ti klif, i tuɡt a εʁ,so dip ta, a twiliɡt, lɑ̃d wəʁə ɛ̃pʁεɲatεd.
sɔmə kʁikεz- ɑ̃d sikada, wit ʁɔmɑ̃sə, staʁtεd
to siŋ wa i kuld no sε, iεm mad abu εʁ.
təʁə, ʁəaliti was dəkɔʁatiŋ mi dʁəam,
ʃal iu si a skεtʃ ɔf εʁ pεʁsɔnaliti ?
ɛ̃ tə əavɛ̃, a kaʁεl wit titanik məɑ̃,
bεtwin tə dip daʁk blɥ ɔf εʁ səʁəniti,
ɑ̃d tə flamiŋ ʁεd dʁesiŋ εʁ byʁniŋ pasjɔ̃.
pεʁapz- a divinə ɡamə bεtwin ʃu ɑ̃d api :
a tɑ̃de bʁizə œ̃dylatiŋ wit atɑ̃sjɔ̃,
tə ʁive ɔf εʁ tɑ̃pe, adiŋ sɑ̃sɥaliti.
sɔmətiməz- a ʁəɡylaʁ ɑ̃d dip a tə
pɔsεdɔnεs flapiŋ tɑ̃po bεtwin ʁif.
ɔftɛ̃ a spɔ̃tanəusz- ɑ̃d liɡt a tə
dʒinεs wistliŋ məlɔdi kɔmiŋ u klif.
εʁ sul is similaʁ to ti mun ʃiniŋ :
liɡtiŋ a wɔʁld, a myzə makiŋ pəɔplə dʁəamiŋ,
ʒyst tə sɑ̃sasjɔ̃ ɔf a luk bʁyʃiŋ aɡɛ̃st mə.
so faʁ awε, sɔmətimə ʃə myst fil lɔnəli
sɔmətimə, filiŋ ɛ̃səkyʁə, lakiŋ kɔ̃fidɑ̃sə
fidiŋ εʁ tiʁst ɔf matəmatikal əvidɑ̃sə.
kjε, ɑ̃d mistəʁjus, tozə aʁə εʁ dəfɑ̃sə,
sɔmə pəɔplə dislikə it byt ʃəεs mi pʁəfəʁɑ̃sə.
likə ɑ̃ ɔnεʁik wɔʁld ɔf maʒik ɑ̃d boti
faliŋ ɛ̃to mi əad likə a nεw əmɔsjɔ̃,
ʃə is fɔʁ mə wa tə ɔtœʁ kal ɡʁəa pasjɔ̃.
i kal εʁ mɔ̃n- amuʁ.
Syllabes Phonétique : In The Turns And Twist Of My Dreams
i=εs=tεʁ=dε=sa=dɔwn=ɔ̃=ti=klif=i=tuɡt=a=εʁ 13so=dip=ta=a=twi=liɡt=lɑ̃d=wə=ʁə=ɛ̃=pʁε=ɲa=tεd 13
sɔ=mə=kʁi=kε=zɑ̃d=si=ka=da=wit=ʁɔ=mɑ̃=sə=staʁ=tεd 14
to=siŋ=wa=i=kuld=no=sε=i=εm=mad=a=bu=εʁ 13
tə=ʁə=ʁə=a=li=ti=was=də=kɔ=ʁa=tiŋ=mi=dʁə=am 14
ʃal=i=u=si=a=skεtʃ=ɔf=εʁ=pεʁ=sɔ=na=li=ti 13
ɛ̃=tə=ə=a=vɛ̃=a=ka=ʁεl=wit=ti=ta=nik=mə=ɑ̃ 14
bε=twin=tə=dip=daʁk=blɥ=ɔf=εʁ=sə=ʁə=ni=ti 12
ɑ̃d=tə=fla=miŋ=ʁεd=dʁe=siŋ=εʁ=byʁ=niŋ=pa=sj=ɔ̃ 13
pε=ʁap=za=di=vi=nə=ɡa=mə=bε=twin=ʃu=ɑ̃d=a=pi 14
a=tɑ̃=de=bʁi=zə=œ̃=dy=la=tiŋ=wit=a=tɑ̃=s=jɔ̃ 14
tə=ʁi=ve=ɔf=εʁ=tɑ̃=pe=a=diŋ=sɑ̃s=ɥa=li=ti 13
sɔ=mə=ti=mə=za=ʁə=ɡy=laʁ=ɑ̃d=dip=a=tə 12
pɔ=sε=dɔ=nε=sə=fla=piŋ=tɑ̃=po=bε=twin=ʁif 12
ɔf=tɛ̃=a=spɔ̃=ta=nə=us=zɑ̃d=liɡt=a=tə 11
dʒi=nε=sə=wis=tliŋ=mə=lɔ=di=kɔ=miŋ=u=klif 12
εʁ=sul=is=si=mi=laʁ=to=ti=mun=ʃi=niŋ 11
liɡ=tiŋ=a=wɔʁld=a=myzə=ma=kiŋ=pə=ɔ=plə=dʁə=a=miŋ 14
ʒyst=tə=sɑ̃=sa=sj=ɔ̃=ɔf=a=luk=bʁy=ʃiŋ=a=ɡɛ̃st=mə 14
so=faʁ=a=wε=sɔ=mə=ti=mə=ʃə=myst=fil=lɔ=nə=li 14
sɔ=mə=ti=mə=fi=liŋ=ɛ̃sə=ky=ʁə=la=kiŋ=kɔ̃=fi=dɑ̃sə 14
fi=diŋ=εʁ=tiʁst=ɔf=ma=tə=ma=ti=kal=ə=vi=dɑ̃=sə 14
kj=ε=ɑ̃d=mis=tə=ʁjus=to=zə=a=ʁə=εʁ=də=fɑ̃=sə 14
sɔmə=pəɔ=plə=di=sli=kə=it=byt=ʃə=ε=sə=mi=pʁə=fə=ʁɑ̃sə 15
li=kə=ɑ̃=ɔ=nε=ʁik=wɔʁld=ɔf=ma=ʒik=ɑ̃d=bo=ti 13
fa=liŋ=ɛ̃=to=mi=ə=ad=li=kə=a=nεw=ə=mɔ=sjɔ̃ 14
ʃə=is=fɔʁ=mə=wa=tə=ɔ=tœʁ=kal=ɡʁə=a=pa=s=jɔ̃ 14
i=kal=εʁ=mɔ̃=na=muʁ 6
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Poème Amour
Du 23/09/2005 15:14
L'écrit contient 214 mots qui sont répartis dans 3 strophes.