Univers de poésie d'un auteur

Poème:When The Comedy Had Come To End

Le Poème

She fished her pure happiness
Through the window of her house
A little fish at all, but it tastes good
So why not eat it all

Came the time to share food
With her friends and family
She cried hard she was panicking
How could they ask me
My source of life

But when they present mister violence
With his famous untold name
The choices fade away
So i like to say
Things that could make me live better
Things that could point another

So i rest with smile and gratitude
To the false of my attitude
That saved me for at least this day

And when the comedy had come to end
When the candles are melted in the sand
You burned yourself enough

The tv is opening
Without you pressed on the precise commands
It comes your turn to look around
And to find that nothing at least was found
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cela parle un peu de la facon dont nous agissons, sa fait réfléchir parfois

Poeme de Darkvid

Poète Darkvid

Darkvid a publié sur le site 63 écrits. Darkvid est membre du site depuis l'année 2004.

Syllabation De L'Écrit

Syllabes Hyphénique: When The Comedy Had Come To Endshe=fi=shed=her=pu=re=hap=pi=ness 9
through=the=win=dow=of=her=hou=se 8
a=lit=tle=fi=sh=at=all=but=it=tastes=good 11
so=w=hy=not=eat=it=all 7

ca=me=the=time=to=sha=re=food 8
wi=th=her=friends=and=fa=mi=ly 8
she=cried=hard=she=was=pa=ni=cking 8
how=could=they=ask=me 5
my=sour=ce=of=li=fe 6

but=w=hen=they=pre=sent=mis=ter=vio=lence 10
wi=th=his=fa=mous=un=told=name 8
the=choi=ces=fa=de=a=way 7
so=i=li=ke=to=say 6
things=that=could=make=me=li=ve=bet=ter 9
things=that=could=point=a=no=ther 7

so=i=rest=wi=th=s=mileand=gra=ti=tude 10
to=the=fal=seof=my=at=ti=tude 8
that=sa=ved=me=for=at=least=this=day 9

and=w=hen=the=come=dy=had=co=me=to=end 11
when=the=cand=les=are=mel=ted=in=the=sand 10
you=bur=ned=your=self=e=nough 7

the=t=v=is=o=pe=ning 7
wi=thout=you=pres=sed=on=the=pre=cise=com=mands 11
it=comes=your=turn=to=look=a=round 8
and=to=find=that=no=thing=at=least=was=found 10
Phonétique : When The Comedy Had Come To Endʃə fiʃεd εʁ pyʁə-apinεs
tʁuɡ tə wɛ̃dɔw ɔf εʁ uzə
a litlə fiʃ a al, byt it tastə ɡud
so wi no əa it al

kamə tə timə to ʃaʁə fud
wit εʁ fʁjɛ̃dz- ɑ̃d famili
ʃə kʁjε-aʁ ʃə was panikiŋ
ɔw kuld te ask mə
mi suʁsə ɔf lifə

byt wɛ̃ te pʁəze miste vjɔlɑ̃sə
wit is famusz- œ̃tɔld namə
tə ʃwasə fadə awε
so i likə to sε
tiŋ ta kuld makə mə livə bεte
tiŋ ta kuld pwɛ̃ anɔtœʁ

so i ʁεst wit smilə ɑ̃d ɡʁatitydə
to tə falsə ɔf mi atitydə
ta savεd mə fɔʁ a ləast ti dε

ɑ̃d wɛ̃ tə kɔmədi-ad kɔmə to εnd
wɛ̃ tə kɑ̃dləz- aʁə mεltεd ɛ̃ tə sɑ̃d
iu byʁnεd iuʁsεlf ɑ̃nuɡ

tə te ve is ɔpəniŋ
witu iu pʁesεd ɔ̃ tə pʁəsizə kɔmɑ̃
it kɔməz- iuʁ tyʁn to luk aʁund
ɑ̃d to fɛ̃d ta nɔtiŋ a ləast was fund
Syllabes Phonétique : When The Comedy Had Come To Endʃə=fi=ʃεd=εʁ=py=ʁə-a=pi=nε=sə 10
tʁuɡ=tə=wɛ̃=dɔw=ɔf=εʁ=u=zə 8
a=litlə=fiʃ=a=al=byt=it=tas=tə=ɡud 10
so=wi=no=ə=a=it=al 7

ka=mə=tə=ti=mə=to=ʃa=ʁə=fud 9
wit=εʁ=fʁjɛ̃d=zɑ̃d=fa=mi=li 7
ʃə=kʁjε-aʁ=ʃə=was=pa=ni=kiŋ 8
ɔw=kuld=te=ask=mə 5
mi=suʁ=sə=ɔf=li=fə 6

byt=wɛ̃=te=pʁə=ze=mis=te=vjɔ=lɑ̃=sə 10
wit=is=fa=mus=zœ̃=tɔld=na=mə 8
tə=ʃwa=sə=fa=də=a=wε 7
so=i=li=kə=to=sε 6
tiŋ=ta=kuld=ma=kə=mə=li=və=bε=te 10
tiŋ=ta=kuld=pwɛ̃=a=nɔ=tœ=ʁə 8

so=i=ʁεst=wit=smi=lə=ɑ̃d=ɡʁa=ti=tydə 10
to=tə=fal=sə=ɔf=mi=a=ti=ty=də 10
ta=sa=vεd=mə=fɔʁ=a=lə=ast=ti=dε 10

ɑ̃d=wɛ̃tə=kɔ=mə=di-ad=kɔ=mə=to=εnd 10
wɛ̃=tə=kɑ̃=dlə=zaʁə=mεl=tεd=ɛ̃=tə=sɑ̃d 10
i=u=byʁ=nεd=i=uʁ=sεlf=ɑ̃=nuɡ 9

tə=te=ve=is=ɔ=pə=niŋ 7
wi=tu=i=u=pʁe=sεd=ɔ̃tə=pʁə=si=zə=kɔ=mɑ̃ 12
it=kɔ=mə=zi=uʁ=tyʁn=to=luk=a=ʁund 10
ɑ̃d=to=fɛ̃d=ta=nɔ=tiŋ=alə=ast=was=fund 10


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Poème Vie
Du 30/08/2005 22:17

L'écrit contient 152 mots qui sont répartis dans 6 strophes.